Madeline ffitch
Madeline ffitch writes and organizes in Appalachian Ohio. She was a founding member of the punk theater company, The Missoula Oblongata, and is the author of the story collection, Valparaiso, Round the Horn. Her writing can be found at Tin House, Guernica, Electric Literature, and Granta. Her first novel, Stay and Fight, is forthcoming from Farrar, Straus and Giroux in July 2019. Madeline has been awarded residencies at Yaddo and at the MacDowell Colony.

July 9, 2019
From the moment I met my son, blue as a cave troll, coated in vernix, gasping in the new air, my mission became to not undo all he was born with.

The Vertical Frontier
By Madeline ffitch
March 1, 2016
I could tell that he preferred each and every stranger, even strangers he had not met yet, even strangers he imagined, he preferred those strangers to me.