Photo by Tara Winstead

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Andrea Cote Botero

Andrea Cote Botero is the prizewinning author of the poetry collections Puerto calcinado (2003), Cosas frágiles (2010), La ruina que nombro (2014), Chinatown a toda hora y otros poemas (2017), and En las praderas del fin del mundo (2020), as well as prose books on the photographer Tina Modotti and the poet Blanca Varela. She has translated into Spanish the poets Kahlil Gibran, Tracy K. Smith, and Jericho Brown, and is currently associate professor of creative writing in the bilingual MFA program at the University of Texas, El Paso.

Craig Epplin

Craig Epplin has published reviews, essays, and creative nonfiction in Public BooksWords Without BordersMusic & LiteratureThe Bosphorus Review of Books, and Guernica, as well as translations of short works by José Martí, César Aira, and Enrique Vila-Matas. He is Associate Professor of Latin American literature at Portland State University, and is the author of the monograph Late Book Culture in Argentina (Bloomsbury).