My newest body of work tries to fashion scraps into modest and humble metaphors—creating jungle gym geo-domes in paint, huts and precarious love shacks, paper constructions representing liminal spaces. These works hover between abstraction and representation, posit themselves as meager but earnest attempts at reconstruction, and respond to our current conditions that call for making-do with what is at hand.

Angelina Gualdoni is an artist living and working in Brooklyn. She’s exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at the Aldrich Museum in Connecticut, the Nerman Museum in Kansas City, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. She has received support from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and Artadia. She opened a solo show with Kavi Gupta in Chicago in late March.

This slideshow was selected by contributing art editor Mike Shankman.

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