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Top Republican breaks off debt talks with Obama

—Obama-Boehner negotiations collapse

—Democrats were furious over shape of deal [complete surrender to Wall Street/the Tea Party by Obusha] emerging

July 22, 2011—U.S. House Speaker John Boehner broke off talks with President Barack Obama on Friday on a deficit-reduction deal to prevent a devastating default and said he would try to hammer out an agreement through the Senate. In a dramatic turn of events with the deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling just 11 days away, a stern-faced Obama expressed frustration at the Republican leader’s move, saying it was “hard to understand why Speaker Boehner would walk away from this kind of deal.”

Massacre at camp: Over 30 die as terrorist opens fire on island and car bomb devastates Oslo

—Eyewitnesses say bodies floating in the sea around the island

—Islands residents told not to reveal their location on Twitter or Facebook

July 22, 2011—Around 700 teenagers on the Norwegian holiday island of Utoyahad gathered on the island for a meeting of the youth wing of the ruling Labour party. Witnesses said the man in police uniform who opened fire beckoned several young people over before shooting at them. He told them to “come here.” Andre Scheie told Norwegian broadcaster NRK he saw between 20 to 25 bodies at the youth camp where a gunman dressed in a police uniform opened fire.

Con Ed imposes brownouts in NYC as power use spikes

—Temperatures in New York will reach 99 Fahrenheit on Friday with the humidity making it feel more like 112 F

July 22, 2011—A brutal heatwave is causing brownouts as homes and businesses in New York City and Westchester County crank up their air conditioners and could push power usage to a new all-time record on Friday, said power provider Consolidated Edison. Power companies across the U.S. Northeast, including Con Edison, said they had enough electricity to meet the demand, but warned heavy usage could stress some power lines and generating facilities, which could leave some customers in the dark temporarily.

Oslo explosion: “several” dead, dozens injured after Norway city blast

July 22, 2011—A massive car bomb explosion rocked central Oslo on Friday, killing “several” people, injuring dozens of people and severely damaging government buildings including the Prime Minister’s office. The blast, which occurred about 3.30pm local time on Friday, left at least a dozen people injured amid fears “hundreds” had died. It remains unclear what caused the blast or if it was a terrorism attack. Local media reported that police had confirmed “several deaths.”

Reporters in trouble for covering Murdoch pie attack

July 21, 2011—Two journalists who covered the aftermath of Tuesday’s shaving cream attack on Rupert Murdoch were briefly suspended from working in the British Parliament on Wednesday, after falling afoul of authorities there. One of those suspended was BBC producer Paul “Gobby” Lambert, who captured the assailant being dragged away by police. Lawmaker Louise Mensch told the House of Commons that officials had revoked Lambert’s parliamentary pass for breaking strict rules on where journalists can film. The Press Association news agency said its reporter Theo Usherwood was also suspended for covering the same incident.

Allen West: Apology to Wasserman Schultz “is not happening”

July 21, 2011—Rep. Allen West (Teabagger-Fla.) says he is not apologizing to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for attacking the Florida Democrat in an e-mail. “That is not happening,” West told Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney Thursday morning when asked whether he plans to apologize to Wasserman Schultz, who is the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. In his message to Wasserman Schultz, which he copied to House Republican and Democratic leaders, West said that the lawmaker was “not a Lady” for criticizing his support for the “Cut, Cap and Balance” plan in remarks on the House floor. West also called the Democrat “vile” and “despicable” and said that she should “shut the heck up.” A group of five House Democratic women on Wednesday called on House leaders to rebuke West for his remarks; leadership has yet to weigh in on the incident.

Mortars hit near Afghan transition ceremony

July 19, 2011—A mortar attack on Tuesday marred the transition of responsibility from NATO to Afghan officials in Mehtar Lam, the second of seven areas due to be transferred this week. Two mortar shells landed close to the town’s government office in the eastern Afghan province of Laghman where senior government ministers and Afghan and foreign commanders were attending the formal handover. The Taliban claimed responsibility in a telephone call to AFP, but the provincial police chief denied the attack had happened.

U.S. drone strike kills four in Pakistan

July 20, 2011—A non-UN-sanctioned U.S. drone attack has killed at least four people and wounded several others in Pakistan’s North Waziristan tribal area. The CIA-operated unmanned aerial vehicle fired two missiles at a house in Mir Ali area, which borders Afghanistan.

Copyright 2011 Citizens for Legitimate Government


This link roundup originally appeared at

  Andrew J. Bacevich: On the Mend? America Comes to Its Senses: At periodic intervals, the American body politic has shown a marked susceptibility to messianic fevers. Whenever an especially acute attack occurs, a sort of delirium ensues, manifesting itself in delusions of grandeur and demented behavior. More
  Fatima Bhutto: A Flood of Drone Stikes: What the Wikileaks revelations tell us about how Washington runs Pakistan. More
  Rafia Zakaria: A Modest Proposal for Reinventing the Burqa: A satirical suggestion that, under the shelter of the burqa, Pakistani women may discover bitter humor in despair. More
  Tom Engelhardt: Nine War Words That Define Our World: “Victory” Is the Verbal Equivalent of a Yeti: Nine common terms associated with our present wars that probably don’t mean what you think they mean. More

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Aditi Sriram

Aditi Sriram’s writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, Narratively, and, best of all, Guernica. Visit her website to read more of her work.

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