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dabis250.jpgAt the end of her 2009 interview with Guernica about her film Amreeka, Cherien Dabis remarked, “I am lucky enough to have yet another story in me that I really want to tell, so I am working on that.” This unnamed project became May in the Summer and earned Dabis the 2011 Sundance/NHK International Filmmaker Award. May in the Summer follows an Arab-American to Jordan as she plans her wedding, despite her family’s apparent dislike of the groom. The award ensures that Sundance Institute staff will work closely with Dabis to provide financial and creative support for her next project.

The full press release can be found here.

Copyright 2011 Guernica Magazine


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Aditi Sriram

Aditi Sriram’s writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, Narratively, and, best of all, Guernica. Visit her website to read more of her work.

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