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Guernica Magazine is partnering with Dzanc Books to sponsor the first annual DISQUIET: International Literary Program Award.

The winner of the award will be published in Guernica, will receive airfare, accommodations, and tuition for the program in Lisbon. The ILP runs from June 19 to July 1, 2011 and seeks to encourage international writing from within North American borders through its writing workshops.

Chris_Abani_HiRes.jpgAll submissions will be judged by acclaimed Nigerian author Chris Abani, whom Dave Eggers has called “the molten heart of contemporary fiction.” Abani’s debut novel Graceland, about a boy growing up in Nigeria, won the 2005 PEN/Hemingway Award and his poetry has been honored with the South African Imbongi Yesizwe Poetry International Award. Abani has written three novels, five books of poetry, and is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Submissions can include poetry, fiction, or nonfiction, and must be accompanied by a fifteen dollar reading fee (checks payable to Dzanc Books). One entry may include three poems or a single prose piece up to thirty double-spaced pages in length. Multiple entries must be accompanied by multiple reading fees. Submissions must be previously unpublished works in English, written by a resident of the United States or Canada.

Deadline: Postmark or electronic mail date stamp of Jan. 31, 2011.

Send the entry and the reading fee to:

Dzanc Books

ILP International Literature Award

1334 Woodbourne Street

Westland, MI


For information on electronic submissions, please visit the DISQUIET website.


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