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Photographer: Francis Mateo, Copyright 2004

Bagging Weight

February 19, 2025
"The billboards, giant screens, marquees are off like a giant plug was ripped out its socket. No cash on me, only a bundle of heroin and a useless Metrocard."
My Doctor: Checkmate. Gouache and ink on coldpress by Basita Shah.

Stained White Curtain

February 19, 2025
"Sometimes, when you live through hard times with loved ones—people you think you know best—old layers of their personalities begin to peel away and from underneath, shines through a new skin."
Fresh-cut broccoli on a gray tea towel

Sleeper Hit

February 5, 2024
He sounded ready to cry. If I could see his face better in the dark, it might have scared me even more. Who was this person who felt so deeply?
Sunset from the window of a plane

Come Stay

January 16, 2024
My family is mouths spread wide like wounds, telling everything but the story that must be told.

I Am the Ghost Here

January 16, 2023
I don’t believe that I will ever like Michelle, even though I love who she is when she is my brother. I want to accept the arrangement, but I am still having trouble processing the fact that the person I rely on is not him.

Diary of My Leg Hair

December 8, 2022
I speak to my leg hair as I would speak to myself. Which is to say: with suspicion. Which is to say: with one ear trained to the sounds of a door opening and closing.

Happy Fortunate People

July 28, 2022
Hamish was overwhelmed by the intensity...as if everything had been assembled just so, just right, in that moment for the two of them, coming around the corner.

The Black Sea

July 21, 2022
He wasn’t sure when she began mentioning the curse. Later, when he looked back, he realized she’d said the word with alarming frequency since his arrival, spoken with the naturalness of words like bread and bicycle.

La Otra Historia

June 30, 2022
I had every right to inhabit a space. If I were in Madrid to simply drink and eat and wander the city, I should be able to do so without being accused of mediocrity by the locals.


February 17, 2022
Everyone joked about how the two brothers’ names had become their destinies. Sihai, four oceans. A man forever moving. Weijia, settle down. A man who makes a home.

Dance with Me

September 17, 2021
Once she spied Ellen in front of her computer, dancing. It was the most beautiful thing, the way her arms snaked as if they were channeling some old poetry.


September 10, 2021
A middle-aged woman at the front desk yelled: Welcome to the new dimension! Her uniform was tight but also disheveled. Her eyelids were lacquered in turquoise shadow.

High Rise

August 6, 2021
"We wear masks anytime we leave the apartment. We order groceries and pay the motoboys big tips. We both suspended our private practices. Botox is not an essential service, though my patients would disagree."

The Loaf

July 16, 2021
The golden dome of the loaf soared higher than the roof of the house. The arms of the trees stretched, as if animated by actual will, and brushed the crusty top with their leafy fingers.

The Daintree

July 9, 2021
My dad and I don’t know what to say to each other, or how to cut through the choking weight of the day, or where to begin with the information. So, one day we decide to book a flight and go to the Daintree—to bird-watch.

Dead Souls

June 4, 2021
They had sat there with all their worthy feelings about Zariyah Zhadan’s poetry, perversely enjoying the disruption of the recital by a finger circling the rim of a wine glass.

The After Birth

May 7, 2021
This whole idea, combined with the world “nuchal”—it made me hate Kay even more. I imagined her as this hunchbacked, creeping thing with a big bag of fluid on the back of her neck like a goiter.

Absolute Best

April 30, 2021
But it took three months before she was ready to block Graham. She trembled as she prepared to do it, too, because she had just discovered she was pregnant.