Before the high line was the High Line, it was a secret space, a hidden world, a place without adults and placards, where long grass crunched under soiled sneakers, and civil disobedience involved more than stepping off the path. Joel Sternfeld’s images, one of which was on display on a 25 x 75-foot billboard adjacent to the High Line at West 18th Street during the month of June, articulate the bittersweet romance of the abandoned freight track before it appeared in tourists’ “New York City” Facebook albums and Lonely Planet travel guides.



Justin Alvarez: José Castrellón’s Priti Baiks: The Panamanian photographer on his inspiration for the Priti Baiks series, Donald Trump, and the Kuna Indian’s love for heavy metal. More
Jamie Goldenberg: Plane Gazing: Josef Hoflehner’s Jet Airliner photographs beg the question, just how healthy is our relationship to flight? More
Jamie Goldenberg: Willem Andersson and Identity in Military Culture: “Few civilized countries in the world who have such a war fetish as Americans have.” More
Glenna Gordon: The Secret Lives of Gay Ugandans: David Kato, an openly gay activist in Uganda, was brutally murdered after a local paper published his name and photograph. More


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Claire Lambrecht

Claire Lambrecht writes about media, education, politics, and culture in publications like the New York Times, Slate, Salon, and CBS MoneyWatch.

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