The Fog of Intelligence

October 16, 2015

With a massive intelligence program, the US is still caught off guard

The Best Laid Plans

August 28, 2012

How quickly will the U.S. leave Afghanistan?

Mission Failure: Afghanistan

August 1, 2012

A message written in blood that no one wants to hear.

Praying at the Church of St. Drone

June 6, 2012

An unprecedented expansion of authority has created a new role for the president: Assassin-in-Chief.

Superpower Adrift in an Alien World

January 12, 2012
It's time for us to realize that none of the crucial problems on this planet are amenable to military solutions, not even by a country willing to pour its treasure into previously unheard of national security expenditures.

Lessons from Lost Wars in 2012

January 3, 2012
Over the last decade, the U.S. has been taught a repetitive lesson when it comes to ground wars on the Eurasian mainland: don’t launch them.

The Four Occupations of Planet Earth

December 18, 2011
How the Occupied became the Occupiers.

The 1% Election: Their Bread, Our Circus

December 12, 2011
How to turn election year into election life.

Into the Whirlwind

December 1, 2011
After almost nine years of war and occupation, what does Washington have to show for itself?

How the Movies Saved My Life

November 17, 2011
Seeing the world in black and white (with subtitles).

An All-American Nightmare

November 8, 2011
This is what defeat looks like.

Wall Street by the Book

October 31, 2011
A (self-)graduation speech for the occupiers of Zuccotti Park.

Bailing Out the Complex

October 20, 2011
Is the National Security Complex too big to fail?

Washington’s Field of Screams

September 29, 2011
In the last decade, there has been only one definition that truly matters: the almost instantaneous post-9/11 insistence that we are “at war,” and not even in a specific war or set of wars, but in an all-encompassing one.

Scamming Washington: Exclusive Letters from the ScamiLeaks Archives

September 20, 2011
Who knew that the highest officials in Washington receive scam “Nigerian” letters as well?

Let’s Cancel 9/11: Bury the War State’s Blank Check at Sea

September 8, 2011
Our “ceremonies of hubris” have for the last decade provided a blank check to the war state, so isn’t it time to start talking about how to end them? A call to end our 9/11 ceremonies and rip the Band-Aid off the wound.

How Not to Make Friends in the Greater Middle East: Washington’s Singular Accomplishment

July 22, 2011
Be proud, America! In the name of security, the U.S. is spreading fear & hate.

Obama’s Bush-League World: Is the Obama National Security Team a Pilotless Drone?

July 13, 2011
How George W. Bush’s Global War on Terror fantasies and delusions were embedded in our world and have now become the humdrum norm of Obama policy.