Rebecca Saletan: Magic and Mechanics

November 5, 2014

The editorial director of Riverhead Books talks with Rachel Riederer about the intimacy of editing, hunkering down in the White House, and why book publishers remain essential in the digital age.

Celebrate Corporate Personhood!

July 23, 2014

An address to mark the Freedom Summer of the corporate civil rights movement.

The Teaching Class

June 16, 2014

Teaching college is no longer a middle-class job, and everyone paying tuition should care.

Guernica’s Shutdown-Blues Playlist

October 9, 2013
Songs for the furloughed and frustrated.

Texas Hold Up

June 27, 2013

A play-by-play of Wendy Davis’s filibuster, and why it made such great, heartening, and depressing absurdity TV.

Salman Rushdie’s Happy Irreligion

May 13, 2013

At an evening with the AAWW, the celebrated novelist shares thoughts on influence and identity, and offers advice to young writers

Bill McKibben: Planetary Emergency

December 20, 2012

One of the world’s leading climate activists on the science of dangerous weather, the imperative to organize, and how to get out of bed in the morning on a planet in peril.

Rape and Rhetoric

August 22, 2012

Todd Akin's comments highlight the danger of letting ideology create facts instead of the other way around.

Human Rights Horror Stories

June 22, 2012

The scariest movies of the summer are at the Human Rights Watch film festival.