Michelle García
Michelle García is a journalist and essayist. She is a Soros Equality fellow and the current Dobie Paisano writer-in-residence. She is working on a book about the border. Find her at www.michellegarciainc.com and on twitter at @pistoleraprod.

February 19, 2019
As demographics shift, Latinos in Texas are claiming the majority and seeing themselves in the center of the national story.

New Series: Rewriting the West
By Adriana Gallardo, Michelle García, Fernanda Santos, Raúl Ramos, and Carolina A. Miranda
February 19, 2019
Reconsidering the origin stories and mythologies of Los Angeles, Texas, Arizona, the Alamo, and a family.

By Michelle García
October 21, 2016
Billed as an aberration, Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric is anything but.

Me and Gay Talese in the Middle
By Michelle García
April 12, 2016
Confronting the legendary journalist after his recent controversial remarks.

The War of Forgetting
By Michelle García
May 1, 2015
Inspired by Eduardo Galeano, the discovery that all wars—personal, territorial, political—have afterlives in our grief and memory.