Kyle Lucia Wu
Kyle Lucia Wu has received the Asian American Writers’ Workshop Margins Fellowship and residencies from The Millay Colony, The Byrdcliffe Colony, Plympton’s Writing Downtown Residency, and the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center. She is the Programs & Communications Director at Kundiman and has taught creative writing at Fordham University and The New School. She was born in New Jersey and lives in Los Angeles. Win Me Something is her first novel.

November 5, 2021
I wondered again if I should tell her my mom was not Asian like I was, to see if that changed things…

Stephanie Danler: Sweetbitter
By Kyle Lucia Wu
May 24, 2016
Kyle Lucia Wu interviews Stephanie Danler about working in the world of fine cuisine, restaurant orphans, and the growing pains involved in moving to the big city.

Jonathan Lee: Characters on the Outer Edges
By Kyle Lucia Wu
March 8, 2016
Kyle Lucia Wu interviews Jonathan Lee about his latest novel