On Finks, Who Paid the Piper, and the CIA’s Literary Legacy

January 19, 2017
Joel Whitney, Guernica Editor-at-Large, responds to Greg Barnhisel's review of his new book Finks.

George Plimpton and Papa in Cuba

January 2, 2017
When Ernest Hemingway agreed to his famous Paris Review interview, he had no idea he’d be helping the CIA.

Celebrating One Year Since Egypt’s Uprising

January 26, 2012
This week marks the one-year anniversary of Egypt’s landmark protests. A new film collective reminds us of the courage that spawned it, and the work yet to do.

Video: President Obama’s Osawatomie Speech

December 7, 2011
Video footage of what Robert Reich calls Obama’s most important speech on the economy

VIDEO: Larry Siems on The Torture Report

November 16, 2011
Larry Siems dissects 140,000 government documents to get at the real story behind U.S. torture.

#OccupyWallStreet’s Declaration

September 30, 2011
#OccupyWallStreet releases a declaration to the media.

NYPD Blues: Why Thuggishness Helps OccupyWallStreet

September 29, 2011
Twelve days ago, the #OccupyWallStreet protestors stepped into the media fray. They called themselves “an entire generation” of “over-educated and under-employed” young people. While people from all age groups have lost homes, jobs, pensions, 401k retirement money, you might not, at first, know any of that from the few “leaderless” kid leaders who ended up […]

Save Troy Davis: Judge’s Email

September 21, 2011
Others have posted the phone number. Here is the email address of the judge who can allegedly prevent Davis’s execution.


September 21, 2011
What does it mean to be “over-educated?” That’s what I wondered yesterday when I saw two articles on the #OccupyWallStreet protests going on now in New York. David Talbot wrote the first in a Sunday piece for Salon. “‘Like everyone our age, we’re overeducated and unemployed,” said Patrick Bruner, a 23-year-old native of Tucson, Arizona who […]