
December 4, 2013

Youtopia is part of Presented Without Interruption, a monthly video series curated by Guernica's art editors.

Race in America, June 15 2013

May 1, 2013

Guernica is now producing quarterly themed issues that follow our regular online format, but that are centered on explicit directions within the intersection of art and politics in which we've been working for the last eight years. Submissions welcome.

Nowhere to Turn

April 15, 2013

There is no such thing as an environmental refugee, yet displacement as the result of climate change is growing exponentially. A personal look at the crisis in East Africa.

Rose Lichter-Marck: Circling the Sea

October 17, 2012

A photographer explores an accidental sea in the desert, and a romance—both very much in flux—and returns with this meditation on transformation, control, and the truths we can learn from geology.

“The Intrigue”

February 1, 2012
 In this excerpt from I Dare to Say, a collection of the real-life stories of African women edited by Hilda Twongyeirwe, Yemo talks about female circumcision.