Marc Ribot: Barriers to Participation
April 3, 2017
The musician and activist on the creative life of cities, the fight for economic justice in the digital era, and his quest to rescue public spaces from corporate gangsters and antipluralist militants.
Justin Adams: Fantastical Deaths and Spectacular Rebirths
September 29, 2016
On Music: The musician on Led Zeppelin, Tinariwen, and his rejection of the “world music” label.
Shahbaz Taseer: How Could I Live Anywhere Else?
September 2, 2016
Farhad Mirza interviews Shahbaz Taseer about his experience as a captive between two battlefronts, and how his faith gave him the hope he needed to survive.
John Lurie: Transfiguration and Magic
July 27, 2016
The artist evades categorization.