Ann Neumann
Ann Neumann is author of The Good Death: An Exploration of Dying in America and a contributing nonfiction editor at Guernica.

January 21, 2021
The author of Let the Lord Sort Them talks about violence, redemption, and culpability in a broken system.

Deadly Decisions
By Sheri Fink and Ann Neumann
February 15, 2016
The authors of The Good Death and Five Days at Memorial discuss disaster preparedness, impossible health care choices, and the notion of journalistic objectivity.

The Homemade Death Penalty
By Ann Neumann
September 30, 2015
Faced with a shortage of killer drugs, Texas executioners have begun manufacturing their own pentobarbital, a lawsuit charges.

Katharine Hayhoe: God’s Creation Is Running a Fever
By Ann Neumann
December 15, 2014
The climate scientist on denialism and why her evangelical faith demands action.

How the Other Half Dies
By Ann Neumann
June 11, 2014
If a humane death is to become a human right, we have to address the socioeconomic barriers that block so many from proper end-of-life care.

Whole Body Burning
By Ann Neumann
March 14, 2014
Who gets executed in America, and where, and how—is changing.