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—The unsub returns to the scene of his crime

Bush to be in NYC to mark 10th anniversary of 9/11

July 30, 2011— The ceremony at the World Trade Center site marking the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks will be a solemn but stately event that will include two presidents and a chance for victims’ families to view the names of loved ones etched into the memorial, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. President Obama and Bloomberg will be joined by the leaders in charge during the 2001 attacks, including former president [sic] George W. Bush, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former New York Gov. George Pataki. Current New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie [?!?] will also be there, he said.

House will try to kill Reid bill Saturday

July 29, 2011—House Republicans will bring up Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s debt limit package Saturday just to vote it down, an attempt to show that the legislation is dead in the lower chamber, according to GOP leadership sources. Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) debt limit package passed the House Friday with 218 votes. Reid and other Senate Democratic leaders have already declared the Boehner plan dead-on-arrival in the Senate.

Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks

July 28, 2011—Former President [sic] George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the September 11, 2001, attacks was a conscious decision to project an aura of calm in a crisis. In a rare interview with the National Geographic Channel, Bush reflects on what was going through his “mind” when he was informed that a second passenger jet had hit New York’s World Trade Center. Bush was visiting a Florida classroom and the incident, which was caught on TV film, and has often been used by critics to ridicule his apparently blank face.

Feds Defend Seizure of WikiLeaks Supporter’s Laptop

July 28, 2011—The Justice Department on Thursday fired back against a lawsuit filed by a WikiLeaks supporter and friend of accused leaker Bradley Manning over the warrantless seizure of his laptop, arguing that they held onto the machine for a lengthy 49 days only because he refused to provide the password, and because his dual-boot Linux/Windows configuration taxed federal agents’ forensics capabilities. David Maurice House is one of several Boston-area friends of Manning who were interviewed by federal agents following Manning’s May 2010 arrest. House is also a founding member of the Bradley Manning Support Network, where he sits on the steering committee and does fundraising.

Bill Would Force Intel Chief to Renounce “Secret Patriot Act”

July 28, 2011—For months, two Senators have screamed bloody murder that the government holds a secret legal interpretation of the Patriot Act so broad that it amounts to a whole different law giving the feds massive domestic surveillance powers. Now, a measure by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Mark Udall (D-CO) would force the U.S. intelligence chief, and by extension the entire intelligence community, to admit that they went too far in their Patriot Act interpretations… The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence meets Thursday to prepare the annual bill authorizing the U.S. intelligence agency’s operations. During that “mark-up” process, Wyden and Udall will ask their colleagues to include a measure compelling the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General to produce a “detailed assessment of the problems posed by the reliance of government agencies” on “interpretations of domestic surveillance authorities that are inconsistent with the understanding of such authorities by the public.”

Federal judge rules NY Times reporter must testify in CIA leak case, but limits scope

July 29, 2011—A federal judge has ruled that a New York Times reporter must testify at the trial of a former CIA officer accused of leaking classified information, but limited the scope of that testimony. Prosecutors have subpoenaed reporter James Risen to testify at the September trial of Jeffrey Sterling. Risen’s lawyers had argued that the First Amendment should shield him from having to testify about his sources. On Friday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema said Risen must testify at the trial. But she ruled that his testimony be limited to four topics, including that he wrote an article or book chapter and that they are accurate.

Speaker Boehner’s debt-ceiling bill passes House, heads to hostile Senate

—House passes Tea Party-driven debt plan, 218 to 210

July 29, 2011— Friday evening House Republicans passed Speaker John Boehner’s two-step plan to raise the debt ceiling, 218-210. No Democrats voted for the measure and 22 Republicans voted against it. The bill would cut $917 billion in government spending over ten years and would require the passage of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution before raising the debt ceiling for a second time in February. The measure is dead on arrival in the Senate, where Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to push through his own debt-ceiling plan. (MSNBC, Politico)

—The more he surrenders to his Wall Street/GOP overlords, the lower he goes

Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40%

—Obama loses 7 points among Democrats in three weeks

July 29, 2011—President Obama’s job approval rating is at a new low, averaging 40% in July 26-28 Gallup Daily tracking. As recently as June 7, Obama had 50% job approval… Obama’s job approval rating among Democrats is 72%, compared with 34% among independents and 13% among Republicans. In the prior three weeks, his average approval rating was 79% among Democrats, 41% among independents, and 12% among Republicans.

Copyright 2011 Citizens for Legitimate Government


This link roundup originally appeared at

  Nicholas Sautin: The Pleasure of Flinching: While amateur Iraq war footage abounds, Nick Sautin asks if the trend represents our “right to view,” or is it porn made from leftovers of a world filming its self-destruction? More
  Full Metal Racket: The Rolling Stone reporter on his blockbuster articles, how the generals pushed Obama into a war he didn’t want to fight, and the Pentagon’s effort to tear down the wall between PR and propaganda.More
  Maura R. O’Connor: Afghanistan Base Life: A Vicious Groundhog Day: The tempo of base life is strange. It swings from extreme boredom to high stress, day after day after day. More
  Obama’s War: The esteemed historian and novelist on how there is only one path for the United States in Afghanistan: withdrawal. More

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