It’s almost here! We’ll be set up this Sunday, September 21, at the Brooklyn Book Festival, Booth #402. Come by to visit with our staff, find out what we’ve been planning for our 10th anniversary year, and grab some Guernica swag, including:
- Mugs!
- Totes!
- Discounted pre-orders of the first ever Guernica Annual!
And we’ll be supporting the many friends of Guernica participating in various BKBF events, like:
Salar Abdoh Lorraine Adams Nadeem Aslam Elif Batuman Marie-Helene Bertino Mark Bibbins Beth Bosworth Lucie Brock-Broido Tina Chang Alexander Chee Ken Chen Scott Cheshire Julia Dahl |
Mark Doty Julia Fierro Roxane Gay Xiaolu Guo Assaf Gavron A.M. Homes Porochista Khakpour Naomi Klein Amitava Kumar Kiese Laymon Catherine Lacey Jonathan Lee Lisa Lucas |
James McBride Kyle Minor Craig Morgan Teicher Lynn Nottage Joyce Carol Oates Retha Powers Alice Quinn Jess Row Salman Rushdie Zadie Smith Lynne Tillman Rachel Zucker |
We’re sharing a row with Graywolf Press, Ugly Ducking Presse, The New Press, PEN America, BOMB, Tin House, The Nation, and more, so you won’t have to go far for more things to read and people to mingle with. And we can’t promise it won’t turn into a party! More information can be found here.
Booth #402
Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza
209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn NY
Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014
Rain or Shine