Japão/Japan is the result of a 2008 trip to Tokyo and Kyoto. Published as a narrative photography book, with no introductions or titles, the work depicts a day in Japanese life, from morning in an empty city to an after-work dinner. Few images show people’s faces. The book is printed on porous paper and contains elements from traditional Japanese book craft, such as delicate stitching and a folding slipcase.
Thyago Nogueira was born in São Paulo, Brazil, where he lives and works as a Literature and Humanities book editor for Companhia das Letras and as a freelance photographer. Since 2006, he has been researching associations between photography and the book form. He has published a small catalog and exhibited the work “São Francisco” (2006-7) at Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo, and showed the artist book Japão/Japan (2009) at Tijuana/Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo. Both projects won grants from the Office of Cultural Affairs of São Paulo.